Category Archives: Allgemein @en

Rerun of Event Registration for Electric Teams

Yesterday’s event registration quiz for electric teams contained erroneous questions. We’ve discussed this incident in detail, whether if we should rerun the electric quiz or not; either way it will annoy half of you. Every year we put lots of … Continue reading

Quiz 2014 is Now Open for the Public

If you want to try the 2014 quiz here you go – see if you can beat the Quiz Times of the teams competing at FSA. Quiz for electric teams Quiz for combustion teams We are terribly sorry for the mistake … Continue reading

How We Choose Your Car Number

Some of you might be curious how we handle your car number wishes. It’s a multi step process. There are some basic constraints: 1-99 and numeric 1-9 are reserved 10-99 are valid preferred car numbers How it works: First the … Continue reading

FSA 2014 – First Important Dates

Right before the start of 2014 we can announce the first important details for the 2014 FSA competition. FSA 2014 will be held from Sunday, the 17th of August till Wednesday, the 20th of August at the Red Bull Ring … Continue reading

Some announcements for 2014

There hase not been a lot of activity from us since FSA 2013, but we have been busy in the background preparing for 2014! Now the (european) 2014 season has started, teams are designing their cars and the first questions … Continue reading