In Memoriam Jochen Rindt

On September 5th the anniversary of death of the great Austrian Formula 1 driver turns for the 41st times. The only driver in racing history to posthumously win the Formula 1 World Drivers Championship.

Karl Jochen Rindt remains unforgotten.

Jochen, FSA salutes you

Pit Plan

Pit plan is now available here

FSA racetrack test

Two independent drivers tested our new racetrack layout last week. More Infos can be found here

Cost Event rules update (for electric teams only)

Due to the fact that, in our opinion, the provided cost tables are still not sufficient to create a complete cost report for an electric FS race car, the FSA cost committee decided to publish an additional cost table to cover those things missing in the official FSAE cost tables.

Please find the table and the rules appendix FSA-C-1 detailing the additions together with an updated version of the rules in the rules section

We also would like you to send your thoughts and opinions on that change to our cost team

FSA Offtopic Mother’s Day Special

A deadline you must not exceed … today its Mother’s Day!

We wish all mothers a gorgeous Mother’s Day and would like to thank one mother representative for all other racing mothers ….

Have a nice Mother’s Day Vroni

Here is a flower

For a very special day

Just for you

On Mother’s Day

Many hugs and kisses, too

Each one says that I love you