FSA Tech Talks

FSA Tech Talks is organized this year for the second time for our participating teams. You will be able to attend highly interesting presentations from our partner companies.

WHEN:       Wednesday 24.07
WHERE:    Driving Center Lounge


HOW: to get one of the 40 seats per talk you only have to register with the forms. The 10 minutes break between the lectures will be used to let in the registered persons and 5 minutes before the start every interested person can have the possible remaining places by “no shows”.


AVL List GmbH – Accelerate Innovation Workshop Driver Assessment Beyond Lap Times

Robert BOSCH AG – Winning the invisible race: EMC in Formula Student

EDAG – tbd

AUDI AG – Sustainable Motorsport – from Vision to Reality

ITK – Tailormade embedded software solutions in Motorsport – with model-based systems engineering from idea to verification & validation

INNIO – Moving green energy forward – decarbonizing large engines in power generation

AUDI AG – F1 2026 Challenges in Power Unit Design

ZEISS – tbd