Category Archives: Allgemein @en

Business Presentation Stage 2

The Business Presentation Stage 2 will take place on Saturday June 25th from 10.00-16:15, see the detailed schedule here: FSA 2022 Business Presentation Stage 2 Schedule v2 You can find your link to the Zoom-Call for the Business Presentation Stage … Continue reading

EDAG Efficiency Excellence Award

FSA 2022 – We will be taking part! You too? And we’re not just “taking part”. The EDAG group is sponsoring the “EDAG Efficiency Excellence Award” at the Formula Student Austria 2022. The three Formula Student teams that convince with … Continue reading

Business Plan Presentation Stage 1

Results of Business Plan Presentation Stage 1 are now online! FS Austria 2022 Results

Business Presentation: Deep Dive Topic

In light of recent events we have made a change to the Business presentation deep dive topic: For FS Austria 2022 the topic is: “BYOE”: Bring your own Energy Teams with electric cars have to prepare a concept on how … Continue reading

Registration Quiz Answers

As of popular request, here are the answers to yesterday’s registration quiz. see Rules & Documents