Category Archives: Allgemein @en

First Results: BPP Stage 1

The results of the first round of the new Business Plan Presentation are available on the 2021 Results Page

Into the Future!

As noted in a previous news post , FSA does not plan to integrate DV/autonomous into its event format in 2021 or 2022. However, not to be left behind we will integrate different future-focused challenges into FSA starting this year already! … Continue reading

Electrifying News!

Formula Student Austria, Formula Student East & Formula Student Netherlands are pleased to announce the introduction of hybrid vehicles in CV Class from 2022 and a Concept Design Challenge for 2021.

Incoming Call: Important Business News

For quite some time FSAs business cats wanted to give the business plan presentation event (BPP) a fresh twist. Looming Covid restrictions gave the final push and we teamed up with FSAE Italy’s capo gatti to come up with a … Continue reading

Quiz Results

You can find the 2021 Quiz Results here: Quiz Results 2021