How We Choose Your Car Number

Some of you might be curious how we handle your car number wishes. It’s a multi step process.

There are some basic constraints:

  • 1-99 and numeric
  • 1-9 are reserved
  • 10-99 are valid preferred car numbers
How it works:
  1. First the top 3 per engine type from last year get either their preferred car number or 1-6. If there are overlapping wishes the team with more points gets the number.
  2. The Austrian teams get either their preferred car number or the next free number if there’s an overlap. In case of conflict the team that scored better last year gets its wish fulfilled.
  3. All others get either their preferred or the next free number. If there are two teams with the same wish the team with the better quiz time wins.

If two teams want to swap their car numbers both have to contact us within 24 hours after the quiz ends.

BTW: If you’re running an electric car, putting an “E” in front of the number on your car is allowed but not required.

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