Incoming Call: Important Business News

For quite some time FSAs business cats wanted to give the business plan presentation event (BPP) a fresh twist. Looming Covid restrictions gave the final push and we teamed up with FSAE Italy’s capo gatti to come up with a new business plan event, in place this year at FSAE Italy and FSA. 

The new BPP will be a multi-stage elimination/K.O.-type tournament with the best entries of each stage progressing to the next one until the finals. The stages consist of different tasks, such as a pitch video and business discussions.

You can find all the details in the new AT6 section in our competition handbook.

As always, don’t hesitate to contact with any questions or feedback.

Quiz Results

You can find the 2021 Quiz Results here:

Quiz Results 2021

Extended Payment Deadline available on request

The coordinated quiz dates between the European events should give teams the possibility to decide where they want to go after they know they have a slot but before they have to financially commit.

In reaction to FSGs announcement that they will re-run their quiz a week from the original date, we offer affected teams a payment deadline extension by the same amount if they want to wait out the FSG quiz results.

The extension is available by request – so please contact if you want to take up this offer.

Quiz Result Update

News Anchor catAfter publishing the quiz results, multiple protests have been posted against the “cats on a string” question postulating that none of the multiple-choice answers was correct.

After reviewing the question we noticed that indeed, the answers were calculated with a value for “g” that was different from the one in the question and no answer matched the correct result.

Therefore we decided the only fair thing to do was to remove this question from the points calculation.

Unfortunately, this means that some teams that were previously listed on the grid fell back on the waiting list. We are deeply sorry for the disappointment this will surely cause.

The updated entry list is now online.

2021 Quiz Answer Key

Professor CatYou can find the Quiz Answers in the Quiz answer key here:

Quiz Key 2021 v1