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New Support Class: Bobbycar

For FSA 2019, inspired by international Motorsport, we wanted to add a support class to have more race action in the same time. Because money is tight, we decided that the teams will have to do this themselves. To limit the financial burden we limited the development costs by requiring cheap, readily available vehicles: Bobbycats!(*)

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Quiz Results and Answer Key

We have now compiled the Quiz Results and Answers to the Questions .

If you have any questions about any of the questions or your individual performance, don’t hesitate to contact

Update: The Shutdown Button Question was answered incorrectly in the PDF (and only there, the quiz was correct). This is corrected now.

FSA 2019 Registration & News

As of last Sunday, the first documents for the 2019 season are available on the rules page.

If you read them carefully, you will notice a few things, that are new for 2019:

  • There are more teams on the grid (58 vs. 50 in 2018)
  • You can now select your team from a list during registration
  • Most submissions have been aligned with FSG
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2019 Competition & Registration Dates

The FSA Registration Quiz will be held on Feb 1st 2019 at 19:00 (CET).
FSA 2019 will be held from July, 28th till August, 1st at the Red Bull Ring.
Both of these days have been chosen in coordination with the other European Formula Student Events.


All of European registration quizzes will take place on Feb 1st, spaced two hours apart. This will give all of you the opportunity to take part in all of them while only having to gather “the Quiz Team” for one day. The single-day registration together with overlapping payment periods (also from non-quiz-competitions!) will create a period of time where you will know which competitions are available to you without having to have committed (i.e. paid) to one yet.
Additional details about the FSA Quiz will be published in the upcoming weeks.

2019 Quiz Timeline
The quiz timeline on Feb 1st

One other thing that has been improved through pan-European coordination efforts is the competition calendar.The increasing number of competitions in Europe has lead to unfavorable situations in the past years – in 2018 three events were held on the same date, in 2017 even four. This year we managed to spread out the event dates much better so there is just one collision.

Formula Student Austria will take place from Sunday, July 28th, till Thusday, August 1st. There is an overlap with FS ATA (Italy) on sunday, but since this is only registration day at FSA, arrangements can be made to make it possible to attend both events.

See you at FSA 2019!