FSA 2017 Registration Quiz

much interesting. so FSA.Hello Everyone,

we are happy to announce that the registration for the 2017 event will be on Sunday, 2017-01-08 at 17:00 (CET Central European Time)

Update: Rules & Reg Guide now available here

Some Info & FAQs:

Continue reading

Rules 2017

fairies with a rule book


In V1.1 (To be published soon), there will be a significat change to T7 (Aero), as described in this document: Rules2017 T7 V1.01

Version 1.1 has been published. You can download it here.

For 2017, Formula Student Austria will use a ruleset simply called “Rules 2017”.

The “Rules 2017” are a joint effort of a team of international experts whose goal was to put the formula student rules in a more modern and also more understandable format.

You can download the first release here.

For FSA a number of competition specific rules will apply, mainly regarding the running of the competition. These competition-specific rules will be available later this year.

Likely changes will be:

  • No Driverless Class
  • Wetpad will be dry
  • Some adaptions to the document submissions

If you want to provide feedback, and we would be really happy if you did, please do so using this form.

Back for 2017

fsa2017-webIn case you wondered – yes, we will be back for 2017!
The Formula Student Austria Team is already busy with preparations for the 2017 event and we can already announce a preliminary date for the competition:

July 31st till August 3rd, 2017

Like in the previous year, we will hold FSA 2017 at the F1-renowned Red Bull Ring venue in Spielberg, Austria.

Registration will be in January, with details published later this year. Make sure to check this page and our Facebook for updates!


New Jobs Section

Check out our new Jobs section!


Welding Station

We are happy to announce that SLV Mannheim provides a welding station at FSA for the first time this year.

SLV Mannheim GmbH is an educating and retraining foundation in welding and material testing. (www.SLV-Mannheim.de)
