EDAG Efficiency Excellence Award

FSA 2022 – We will be taking part! You too?

And we’re not just “taking part”. The EDAG group is sponsoring the “EDAG Efficiency Excellence Award” at the Formula Student Austria 2022. The three Formula Student teams that convince with their most efficient and innovative technical solutions implemented in the development of their race car can make the team cash registers ring.

Show us what makes your race car particularly innovative and efficient in the technical area, what technical solution sets you apart from other teams and give us an insight into how you implemented and validated your ideas. The entire development process of the race car can be considered, ranging from the initial concept phase to manufacturing and testing.

The choice is up to you!
As a team of FSA 2022, you can apply for the “EDAG Efficiency Excellence Award” either with an A3-One Pager or with a 3 to 5 page PowerPoint presentation for a chance to win €3,000 in prize money! To do so, submit your result in PDF format via by 15.07.2022, 23:59 at the latest.

The three finalists will be selected by the EDAG jury by 26.07.2022 and announced on the same day at the FSA 2022 event. On 27.07.2022, the final “race” for 1st place will begin. Here, you will have to convince our EDAG jury with a 10-minute presentation of your results, preferably on the vehicle itself, as well as a subsequent Q&A session.

It pays to be there, because not only one team wins!

  • 1st place: 3,000.- €
  • 2nd place: 2,000.- €
  • 3rd place: 1,000.- €

We look forward to seeing you and your results!

Business Plan Presentation Stage 1

Results of Business Plan Presentation Stage 1 are now online!

FS Austria 2022 Results

Business Presentation: Deep Dive Topic

In light of recent events we have made a change to the Business presentation deep dive topic:

For FS Austria 2022 the topic is: “BYOE”: Bring your own Energy

Teams with electric cars have to prepare a concept on how they can generate their own, off-grid electricity in order to charge their accumulators, for example: bicycle-driven generators (symbol picture, no kitties were harmed)

Teams with combustion vehicles have to prepare a concept on how they can produce and store their own fuel, for example by home-destillation of ethanol.

Any concept has to be completely self-sustaining and must not be dependent upon fossil energy of any sort for the energy production process.

For more information, please see the FSA Competition Handbook v1.4.22

Registration Quiz Answers

As of popular request, here are the answers to yesterday’s registration quiz.

see Rules & Documents

Registration Quiz Reminder

This is a reminder that the FSA 2022 Registration Quiz starts on 2022/01/28 at 19:00 CET.

If you want to take part in the registration quiz, you need to have ONE working account PER TEAM until 24h before the quiz. After that, the registration button will be deactivated until after the quiz. Please make sure you follow all steps of the FSA Registration Procedure document.

Please be aware that the normal fsaustria.at website will be offline from 2022/01/28, 18:00 CET and switch to the “quiz mode”. The normal website will not be available until the quiz results are processed.

Good Luck!